provides a safe space in the heart of Cité Soleil, Haiti's largest underdeveloped area, where youth come together to grow, learn, and play.
SAKALA’s Daniel Tillias was named a CNN Hero in 2019. Daniel would jump in here and add that the recognition is not just for him but for SAKALA and the whole community of Cité Soleil, where the new Haiti starts.
Read all about it here.
“I planted 500 fruit tree seedlings as part of the Job Power campaign in Haiti!”
Job Power in Haiti
The images of Haiti in the news these days too often tell a story of despair and violence.
But, look closer and see a different story. One where the country's youths resist the pull of violent gangs and instead make the most of every opportunity for a brighter future for themselves and their country.
This is the story we at SAKALA’s Job Power Initiative see every day.
Hundreds of youths throughout Haiti are getting technical and soft skills preparing them to take on well-paying environmental and community farming jobs: planting trees, growing food, and collecting plastic bottles in the streets for recycling or organic wastes to make compost and improve the soil.
There is a Haitian proverb that says “Many hands make the load lighter.”
If you wish to join hands with SAKALA’s Job Power movement in Haiti, you can click on the Donate Now button above and put “Job Power” in the memo line.
You can only build true peace and possibilities with friendship, and SAKALA relies on its strong friendships near and far. We couldn't do it without you! Mèsi anpil! (Thank you very much!)
Sports for Peace

““It is wonderful to see Cite Soleil’s transitioning from a ‘Red Zone’ no-go area to a ‘Green Zone,’ recently referred to as ‘One of the safest places in Haiti’ by the National Police Chief... two years in a row. Cite Soleil still has a long way to go, but SAKALA has had an important impact on this community, and its long soughtafter peace.””
SAKALA's Community Garden
Our garden helps participants to imagine and enact greener realities in Cite Soleil, as well as to offer a fuller picture of life to the neighborhood's observers. It opens a space where youth and their families can build a new image of who they are and what they have to offer Haiti.
Computer Learning Center
SAKALA's lab has been updated with several new laptops. We are exploring ways for our students to take advantage of the wealth of college courses and other learning opportunities now available online. This lab helps to open the entire world to our participants, and fosters a familiarity with technology so necessary for future job opportunities.
I Can Fly: The Stories of Daniel Tillias and SAKALA in Cité Soleil
Available now on Amazon in both Kindle and paperback!
Makes a great gift and all proceeds go to SAKALA. Check it out here.